March IGC Garden Club Walk

Our wonderful walks leader, Anna, took us on a fantastic local walk on March 23rd.

We walked some of Darebin Parklands entering from Ivanhoe under the bridge starting at the small historic area of Sparks Reserve.

Many of us had walked through Darebin Parklands before but Anna did an excellent job of showing us the noteworthy areas and reminding us of the areas early history. Tolls to cross the bridge and other equally entertaining stories.

(The Group atop Puffallo Hill)


It was also inspiring to hear of the many people  and environmental groups who fought to establish the park and then worked to create many of its beautiful features.

We had a great morning that was followed by an excellent morning tea/lunch.  Thank you to Anna for organising the morning, those who provided the yummy food, and all who participated.

Club Garden Walk – Cherry Blossom!

Our Ivanhoe Garden Club Walk coordinator, Anna, recently organised a September walk in Banksia Park to celebrate the beautiful cherry blossom. The group also took the opportunity to to explore the lovely kitchen garden at Heidi and enjoy a welcome morning tea. Thank you for all of your organisation Anna!

Below – Garden club members surrounded by Cherry Blossom

Below – The kitchen garden at Heidi

Below – Members gather near the Heidi Garden next to the beautiful Banksia rose.

Below: Scrumptious Morning tea after the walk

Ivanhoe Garden Club is taking a stand for our planet!


Why? It’s estimated that 500 billion coffee cups are produced globally each year, and if placed end to end, they’d circumnavigate the globe 1360 times! Planet Ark says that about 60,000 kilograms of plastic waste from coffee cups is directed to landfill each year in Australia, where it can take about 50 years to break down.

Using your own mug will lead to:

– 36-47$ reduction in greenhouse gas

– 85% reduction in water use

– 91-92% reduction in landfill

From our June meeting, and thereafter, we ask you to bring your own mug/cup to the meeting and take it home again if you wish to have a cup of tea or coffee with supper. This is one significant contribution we can each make for the future health of our planet.