Wonderful Autumn Bus Trip coming in April


Sunday 13 April

Our first stop will be The Artful Meadow Nursery in Lyonville.  This is a delightful nursery with extensive and
beautiful gardens showcasing the plants that Brian sells in the nursery. We will have morning tea here (supplied).

The next stop is the Wombat Botanic Gardens in Daylesford (the trees here were featured in the last episode of Gardening Australia). Here we will have our lunch stop (there is also a café if you prefer to buy your lunch). Our final stop is Claire’s garden in Creswick.

Claire’s garden

Claire and Clive have built a garden to cope with our weather conditions, hence creating a deciduous garden, opening it to the rain in winter and giving a canopy of shade for the summer. I adore collecting plants, mostly perennials, with hydrangea, heuchera, hosta, and hellebores featuring largely. There are many unusual plants like epimediums & thalictrum. The trees are adorned with clematis in spring, giving a beautiful burst of colour.
My husband has planted all the surrounding verges with trees and attends to the lawns, mowing everywhere (his passion) in sight of our house. Paths wind through the trees, making it possible to have a woodland-type garden that is beautifully cool in the summer.

Will be a great day!

Progressive Garden Party – November 2024

Ivanhoe Garden Club held the most wonderful Progressive Garden Party last weekend.  We visited three fantastic gardens, the sun was shining and the food was excellent.

Thank you to all of those involved in the organising and the cooking for the day and to the three households who opened their gardens. It is always extra special to see what other gardeners are doing in their space.  You come away with many good ideas and inspiration for things that you might try.

The gardens were all different but they were all tended with love and care and were a delight to visit.  It was a wonderful day.

Below are a select group of photos of each garden.

Garden One

Garden Two

Garden Three

October 2024 for IGC

October has been a very active month for the Ivanhoe Garden Club with a number of excellent events.

October 13 –  A wonderful Bus Trip was conducted. This sold out excursion traveled to Kuranga Native Nursery in Mt Evelyn and the Rhododendron Garden at Olinda where the Chelsea Australian Garden is on display.  The bus trip ended with a visit to Peter Haeusler’s garden where everyone was thrilled to see his many clivias, rhododendron and hellebores. It was a great day!

October 22 – Our regular Monthly Meeting was an excellent get together with a very good talk on Chrysanthemum by Peter Oppenheim, Vice-President of the Chrysanthemum Society of Victoria. We learnt a great deal form his generous talk. Members enjoyed the beautiful display on the show bench – it smelled particularly delicious due to the sweet pea and roses exhibited. The trading table and club library were very busy.

October 26 – Club Walk – Thank you to Anna for once again organising an excellent walk for members.  This time we were in the Eaglemont area with a focus on the planting of natives in public areas by local volunteers.  As usual the walk was followed by an excellent morning tea, this time hosted at the home of our president Jeff Leaney. It was a pleasure to see his lovely garden at the conclusion of the walk.

October 30 – Maintenance at the Ivanhoe Park Bicentennial Rose Garden – a number of members came together on this lovely Spring morning to spread fertiliser, tidy and dead head the many beautiful roses in bloom at this wonderful rose garden. It was looking rather spectacular!

(see photos below)

What a very busy month at the Ivanhoe Garden Club!


A New, Exciting Venue for our Monthly Meetings

Message from our President, Jeff Leaney:

The committee has recently decided to move our meetings to a new venue. Our new home will be the Ivanhoe Bowling Club.

The venue was visited by our committee who found it fitted out with modern utilities,  obviously well managed and clean with good parking options. As a result, our meetings, starting from August will be held at the Ivanhoe Bowling Club in John Street Ivanhoe. Near the Ivanhoe Railway Station, it is easily accessible from many surrounding main roads. I’m sure that members will find this hall very suitable for our meetings.

We look forward to welcoming you to our new meetings home!

Autumn Bus Trip 2024

The recent Ivanhoe Garden Club bus trip was an excellent day, enjoyed by everyone. A full bus left Ivanhoe around 9.15am with members from our own club and guests from Preston and Doncaster Garden Clubs.





We traveled to the Lilydale area and had a lovely morning tea at a covered area at the Lilydale Lake Park.

After this we went on to the Yarra Valley Plant Fair in Wandin where we had a chance to look at all of wonderful stalls, buy and discuss plants and have our lunch surrounded by plant lovers of all kinds.  The beautiful Autumn sun came out for us making the day even more enjoyable.

A short trip took us to Meg Bentley’s garden for a walk around her shady, enchanting property with a chance to buy plants.  Meg very kindly answered questions about the various Salvias in her collection.

We then headed for home! A very full and satisfying day out. Thank you to the wonderful bus trips team of Jane, Maria and Julie who organised this great day for the club.

March IGC Garden Club Walk

Our wonderful walks leader, Anna, took us on a fantastic local walk on March 23rd.

We walked some of Darebin Parklands entering from Ivanhoe under the bridge starting at the small historic area of Sparks Reserve.

Many of us had walked through Darebin Parklands before but Anna did an excellent job of showing us the noteworthy areas and reminding us of the areas early history. Tolls to cross the bridge and other equally entertaining stories.

(The Group atop Puffallo Hill)


It was also inspiring to hear of the many people  and environmental groups who fought to establish the park and then worked to create many of its beautiful features.

We had a great morning that was followed by an excellent morning tea/lunch.  Thank you to Anna for organising the morning, those who provided the yummy food, and all who participated.

New Meeting Venue for 2024

For our first meeting of 2024 the club will meet at its new venue – the East Ivanhoe Bowling Club. The speaker for the meeting will be Su Laird on Perennials and the meeting will include the usual sales table, raffle, show bench and club library.

About the new venue, President Jeff Leaney said –

“This facility has all we require (and more!). It is all on one level with a large meeting space with polished floor boards, a spacious and well-equipped kitchen, and easily accessible from the car park via a sloping ramp. …We are excited about this move to a new venue and look forward to welcoming you.”

Club Garden Walk – Cherry Blossom!

Our Ivanhoe Garden Club Walk coordinator, Anna, recently organised a September walk in Banksia Park to celebrate the beautiful cherry blossom. The group also took the opportunity to to explore the lovely kitchen garden at Heidi and enjoy a welcome morning tea. Thank you for all of your organisation Anna!

Below – Garden club members surrounded by Cherry Blossom

Below – The kitchen garden at Heidi

Below – Members gather near the Heidi Garden next to the beautiful Banksia rose.

Below: Scrumptious Morning tea after the walk

Rose Pruning at Ivanhoe Park

A wonderful turnout for the recent rose pruning demonstration and practice session at the Rose Garden at Ivanhoe Park.

This beautiful garden is maintained by the Ivanhoe Garden Club and offers members a chance to watch the experts prune and practice their skills.

The work was followed by cakes and a cuppa provided by Alan and Anna.

Louis the dog was there to supervise.

Creative Supper at May IGC Meeting



We always have excellent suppers at our club meetings (and great speakers too!) but at the most recent meeting in May we had very appropriately decorated cup cakes created by the children of one of our members to add to the wonderful spread of food.


How lucky are we!